What is the best way to shave your head?
|It takes some courage to take the next step and shave it all off, so congrats for making it this far. The best way to shave your head is somewhat of a personal choice.
The first thing you need to shave your head is some type of razor, shaver, or clippers and there are a few different options.
- Electric Shaver
– If you are just starting to buzz your head then this is the one for you. You can shave your face and buzz your head with this razor. Once you are comfortable with buzzing your head you can upgrade to a safety or cartridge razor and get a smooth shave.
- Safety Razor
– This is the type of razor that your father and grandfather used and they are making a comeback now. The razor itself will last much longer than a cartridge razor and the replacement razor blades are very inexpensive. A single blade will cost about 10 cents each and provides just as good of a shave a as a cartridge razor. There is a bit of a learning curve to use them, but once you get the hang of it you will really enjoy shaving with this type of razor
- Cartridge Razor
– The most popular are 3 or 5 blade razors. The difference between them is the spacing between the blades and other than that it’s just personal preference. I prefer the mach 3 razors, which are the 3 blade razors. The fusion razors are the 5 blade and they are also very good, but my personal preference are the mach 3’s
The next thing you need is a good shaving cream or shaving oil
- Shaving Soap
– If you are using shaving cream in a can still then you need to trash that stuff and get a good shaving soap. The type of stuff that comes in a metal or plastic tin and provides nice thick protective lather and doesn’t have a bunch of nasty ingredients inside it. You will need a shaving brush to go along with this, but the shaves will be amazing and you’ll wonder why you didn’t shave like this until now.
- Shave Oil
– Thousands of years ago there was no such thing as shaving cream, so people used oils. The oil provides a thin layer of protection between the razor and your skin and it really does a great job. It will take a bit to get comfortable to shave with oil, but once you do it gives you a great shave and also moisturizes your head.
Head shaving tips:
- If you have sensitive skin and are subject to rashes do not shave against the grain. Shaving against the grain will lead to several problems including ingrown hairs, razor bumps, razor burn, and irritation. Try to shave in the same direction as your hair growth for minimal irritation.
- Aftershave should be used to avoid rashes. There are several aftershave options including after shave lotion, after shave creams, and aftershave balms. Avoid alcohol based aftershave if you have dry skin or sensitive skin.
- I’ve heard of some people waxing their head but they have had mixed results. (One man stated that they didn’t have to shave again for six months. I find that hard to believe. If you have tried this, please let us know about your experience.)
- After you shave your head I recommend using a lotion or gel to moisturize your head and prevent it from flaking.
Alternative hair removal
- Some people use Nair or Magic as an alternative hair removal, but you must be careful not leave it on any longer than recommended, otherwise it burns. The only other alternatives are painful or expensive. I personally do not recommend using chemicals to remove hair. It’s nasty stuff that really shouldn’t be on your skin.
- Electrolyses eventually gets rid of your hair permanently but it is painful
- Laser treatments will permanently remove your hair, but it is expensive.
- Waxing is painful and it only gives you a 1 to 3 weeks of the stubble free look.
- You may want to try Hair Away, which is featured on our site, however, we have had no testimonies as to its effectiveness.
If you have a better way to keep your pate free of unwanted growth, please tell us about it and we will publish it here.
I’m from the UK so I don’t know if the product is available in the US, but the best razor I’ve ever used is the King of Shaves Azor: it’s a lot cheaper than the Gillette razors and gets your head so smooth it squeaks with the last few passes of the razor!
I also like to use good quality shaving products (I justify the expense by thinking of how much I’m saving on shampoo, haircuts etc). I’ve had the best shaves using an oil base with a layer foam on top. Any type of foam will do but for the oil I recommend Clinique or Clarins (comes across as expensive but lasts 3-4 months as you need so little each time.
If you really have money to burn, or get some free samples when you buy the above oils, then Clarins has some really nice after shave creams and lotions that leave your head feeling really fresh.
I am amazed that there is even a site for people like us who maintain a clean pate. God was I ignorant.
I have been shaving my head since August 2000 (yes a ten year anniversary celebration would be worth it). I did this before anyone could realize that I was losing hair by the bunch. Maintaining a clean shaven head did wonders to my confidence. And like everyone else here who has posted, I use the Gilette MAch 3 Turbo, the best that I have had access to so far.
However, I have a small issue that’s bothering me and am hoping some of the bright ones here can help me with some advice! I still have hair growing at the back of my head like a half moon. I notice after a shave that although the scalp is clean, there is a patch on the scalp that’s exactly where my hair still grows. This does look a bit odd and am wondering if there are ways to get this to disappear. Has anyone had a similar issue, any solutions that you have will be really appreciated.
Thanks a ton in advance!!!!
I am the Eric from 2002 that left the transplant horror story on your site. I am so honored that you still use it. I hope it has convinced many not to go that sad route. I hope it inspires many in the future to embrass baldness. it is so much better than the sad comb over I was forced to endore fore 14 years. The really bad scraggly hair with lumps and bumps and thousands of ugly scars I had to endure.
Being bald is great, even withexposed scars. So much better than the fake pathetic, hanging on to 200 strands look.
Wilkinson Sword Extreme III disposable is by far the best i’ve found for shaving my head. And to prolong the blades (for both face and head), i would recommend you try out the Razorpit. I’ve got about 12 shaves so far out of the Wilkinson Sword Extreme III on my head and 22 shaves so far out of a Gillette Fusion on my face. It’ll save me a fortune. Look for it on Google or here:
(I have no link with razorpit, but it was recommended to me so i’m just sharing the info!)
The best results I have had shaving my head, which I have been doing since July 2006, is by using any of the 3 to 5 blade razors (my favorite so far being the Schick Hydro 5) plus hair conditioner instead of shaving cream. Every morning I shave, I wash my scalp and then layer of generous portion of Suave conditioner on and let it set while I finish my shower. I then shave. The combination of the lube strip on the razor and the conditioner gives me the closest, most comfortable shave I have ever had. No more razor burn or nicks and scratches. I have tried numerous other things such as aloe vera gel, creams and even oils but my wifes cheap hair conditioner by far has been the best.
Here is how I shave my head. I have used the Gillette Fusion 5 blade razor for quite some time. I may go back to the HeadBlade but only if there is an update or upgrade. Blades are expensive and here is my solution to that courtesy of a google search on maintaining razors. It involves two relatively inexpensive items. One is mineral oil. Shave as you normally would. Then dip the razor into a container filled with mineral oil. It does not have to be much. Before you shave again, dip the razor into a container of rubbing alcohol. Mineral oil keeps the blades from dulling. The rubbing alcohol takes the oil off. I have had razors LAST OVER A YEAR. Do this experiment and see if I am telling the truth. Go without shaving for a few days and then shave again. You will see I am telling the truth.
Why is it that I can’t find any details on natural ways that are proven to kill hair follicles? I’m a retired field Medic from the corps of 22 years and have been shaving my head all this time. I’m so sick and tired of it, but don’t want to pay for laser or other expensive treatments. So there has to be a simple way to kill the few hairs I still have left on the sides and back of my head. I don’t see any space on this site for helpful hints or tried ways to accomplish this. I would think this has been done in the past somewhere somehow? Treating your scalp with something maybe lemon juice, or hydrogen peroxide, or something else that wont burn the scalp or cause ingrown hairs. That’s what I don’t want to have happen. Nothing worse then an ingrown hair, just want to KILL the dam follicles for ever more. So if there is a site for this information for natural proven ways to get rid of these remaining pest let me know. Thanks Bear…
I visited this site for the first time today. I think you´re doing a great job, especially when it comes to helping young guys to understand that the picture of bald men as unattractive is a fraud. It´s a media thing to make money on crap products and crap treatments. Keep up the good work!
My tip is probably not revolutionary but if you have a mirror inside the shower room it´s much more comfortable to shave your head and it will be done on a daily basis. Question: Anyone who´s got a tip for a good cream that makes your scalp less shiny?
Greetings from Sweden
I read on your comments page about shaving and I noticed that guys are using shaving creams. I found this great product called Easy Waterless Shave by BodyVerde. It is a shaving lotion that you don’t wash off! I used to shave in the shower and would itch from hair on my body all day, but now I shave afterwards and just wipe my face and go. I don’t shave my head (yet but I keep what little hair I have to a stubble), but when I use the Easy Waterless Shave I put the shaving lotion all over my face and head – I have no blemishes or razor burns. I’m not into men’s skin care products but I have to say this stuff keeps you from drying out and breaking out! I will never shave with anything else again.
I’ve been shaving my head regularly since about 2007, but started doing it on/off since the late ’90s. I do it now at least every other day & would go w/laser if I could afford it, but can’t. I’ve been using Xtreme 3 razors, I’ve tried other disposable brands but nothing is as good as Xtreme 3. I also use Edge Fragrance-Free Shaving Gel. I shave both with & against the grain.
I just had a question about any thoughts/opinions about using a straight blade or a traditional safety razor. I’m 25 years old and have developed a bald spot on my crown. I use an electric trimmer to keep my head to a stubble as it makes it not nearly as noticable. Recently I was considering purchasing either a straight blade or a traditional safety razor not only to use on my head but face as well and was just wondering if anyone had any input on the topic. Or if it would be a better idea to just use a 3 to 5 blade razor like the mach3 or fusion, or the head blade. Just wondering if anyone has tried to experiment with any traditional blades and what experience they had. It’s just that these newer razors like the gillette fusion can get expensive.
Nathan my man,
Re-read what I said in my commented area. I said to get the fusion 5 blade but also get these items:mineral oil and rubbing alcohol. After shaving, dip the razor in mineral oil. Keeps blade from dulling. Next time you need to shave, dip the razor in rubbing alcohol which takes the oil off. Why do you think I got these two things? Razors are expensive. However, make them last.
tony kull
I just wanted to throw a quick thanks to Tony and John for your responses. I really appreciate the advice. Definately will get mineral oil and rubbing alcohol. Then just experiment with the Fusion and Mach3 to see what works best for me. Thanks again guys.
This is for John Port,
There is a head wipe made by baldguyz that might be of help.
The second point I wish to address is the statement made about the numbers of razor blades. I have used the gillette fusion 5 blade for several years. It has worked for me. I have used the head blade for a time. I still have it but I did not get the kind of results I thought I would get. Remember this is just 2 blades. Again I go back to earlier comments of mine. Get some mineral oil and rubbing alcohol. The space between the blades will get clogged. Guess what? I dip the razor in water and even blow on it. It gets the gunk out. I did a head shave just yesterday. I say IT WORKS. The thing to do is try it. Works for me.
tony kull
I have never found a better shaver then the Xtreme 3 disposables.. All the ones that have been mentioned here are hard to find and/or are way too expensive..
I use electric, Panasonic, a, I the only one?
No lotion, no cream, no rash no problem.
I used to use Braun, but it wasn’t as good.
If I forget the electric when I am traveling I will grab some disposables.
I use the Mach 3 with Geo F Trumper shave cream. It relathers whenever you get it wet so I’m always lathering before the blade touches my skin. But I also like to get it as smooth as possible. I also change blades pretty regularly because I like the close shave and the extra cost doesn’t bother me too much. I figure it’s still cheaper than haircuts.
RE: Greasy/shiny/oily head
I’ve been shaving my head 3 times a week or more for the past 2 years and always got a shiny head very quickly after shaving it. I recently switched to a double edge razor for shaving my face and bought an alum block in case I cut myself. Not only is it great for healing cuts and razor burn but it’s brilliant on a shaved head and stops you getting a shiny head COMPLETELY. Anyone suffering from this problem should buy an alum block – I’m using Bloc Osma. It’s a little on the pricey side and does sting/prickle when you apply it but it will last forever and it stops you getting a shiny head until you shave/shower again. Just rub it over your head, leave it to dry then wipe off the residue. It’s a natural antiseptic, astringent and antiperspirant which explains why it’s so effective. I highly, highly recommend it
Clean shaven since 2007. Best shave product is Billy Jealousy Hydroglyde. It’s very expensive, but it’s the smoothest, closest, most comfortable shave ever. My wife uses it to go slick bald “down there” and we both love the results! I still think the Head Blade with Sensor Excel blades is the best way to go…for your top, not her bottom.
My friend Jose shaved my head bald in October 2010 when we were going to the Giants-Bears game. (This was my second time). He shaved mine with the clippers first on 0 guard and then he used shaving gel and the gilette blade then put mineral oil on my head, worked like a charm; no burns, cuts or bumps and I was bald like Michael Jordan for a month. ANd then I did his. So the gilette fusion in my opinion is number 1.
So what about the best electric shavers to use for both face and head? I love shaving my head, and it is so much easier but would like the ease and speed of electric.
These recent comments have been very good. Did any of you baldies happen to see the program on CNBC called How I Made my Millions? One of the products on there was Head Blade and how it came about. This was aired on Feb 17th and then on Feb24th. I have a way of extracting just that segment. It would be nice if this could be shown here. Remember permission has to be obtained.
Question for Tim:What is zero guard?
tony kull
I use a Braun electric self-cleaning razor. Clean and very fast, about 4-6 minutes for both face and head. Every use is like using a brand new razor. Only down side is that you have to shave every single day.
Does anyone know of a solution that can be applied after shaving your head to make the hair grow more slowly thus increasing the time between shaves?
Someone mentioned a product to me called “Stop Grow” but I can’t find it anywhere, including online.
I started shaving my head again 4 months ago and to avoid acne I use proactiv body wash after I finish.
Hey Tim,
Thank you for mentioning Gillette Fusion for shaving the head of your friend Jose. The part about the acne puzzles me. You started shaving again 4 months ago. Fill me in on why you stopped?
I’ve shaved my head for a while, using various methods (braun electric, headblade, shick, gillette) was wondering how to get a closer shave in the areas that have thicker hair. When I shave, my head feels completely smooth, but where I have hair that will grow back, still looks dark compared to the top of my head which is naturally bald… any suggestions appreciated
I can’t stand the head blade, I bought it myself and someone else bought me one, it looked cool but I don’t know how anyone uses those effectively. I use Mach 3, it does great even after the strip turns white.
I’ve just started shaving my head about a month ago. I think I finally found my perfect routine but I have very thick black hair and still have the shadow look no matter how close the shave. Will this somewhat disappear when my scalp tans a little more? I also use the Gillette fusion razor, is the mach 3 a better choice of razor?
The shadow you’re seeing is the hair under your skin, it may be disguised by you’re head tanning but it won’t go away. Mach 3 is a good choice as it’s less likely to clog and is a lot cheaper than Fusion
The best way to shave your head I found is the Gillette Fusion with the Giilette sensetive shave gel. The Fusion has five blades and a larger surface than the Mach 3. It gives me a much smoother shave as I try to shave my head every day.
try Schick Hydro 5
My boyfriend just went bald for the first time. We used Magic Shave which did a decent job, but he still has little tiny stubbles and his head has dark shadow where all of the hair was removed. We want it to be smooth and shiny, so we are going to just use a razor. I appreciate all of the comments on this site, it has help me a lot…but one question I did not see (unless I just missed it) was do I shave with the growth of the hair, or against the growth? I want to prevent bumps, pimples, etc. so I want to know what is the best method. Thank you for your responses.
That is a great observation. I have trimmed my head as usual and then go against the grain so to speak. Tell your boyfriend to try Head Blade and perhaps their gel. I still stand by my approach. Get two vials. Fill one with mineral oil and the other with rubbing alcohol. When done with the shave part, dip the razor in mineral oil. I keeps the blade from oxidizing. Then when you shave again, dip the razor in the rubbing alcohol and that removes the oil. Coming up on 11 months of using the same blade. I have found shaving cream clogs up the tiny razor blades in the Gillette Fusion 5 blade and it takes longer to get that unclogged. Go easy on the Head Blade gel and have fun experimenting.
Jackie Shaving with and against the growth I found works for me. I start off shaving from back to front. Then front to back. Then for the crown of my head I go back side to side get’s everything real smooth. Now it is going to depend on if your BF does it every day or not. The longer between shaves the more time it’s really going to take. I would sugget at worst every other day to shave your head which is what I do most of the time.
Been shaving the dome nearly 10 years now. Tried just about everything. The one I keep coming back to is a Gillette Fusion and Neutrogena ‘Positively Smooth’ shaving cream (blue lid, not orange one). It has a “clean scent” and it coats my head so well that it hardly has any friction. Like smooth, butter shaving. Would like to try the methods listed above to keep the fusion blades lasting longer.
I went bald when I was in my early 20s. I decided last year to have the rest of my removed with laser hair removal. I got it done here . Love it. Never have to shave again and it was pretty affordable.
Im 35 and have always shaved my head with electric clippers except for twice in my life. I had bad result both times. The clippers do not get it close enough so Im debating on using a razor on my head. Do you have any suggestions on a razor, cream, or anything else that will prevent me from getting razor burns and bumps all over. Thanks!
I have been shaving my head for 20 years. I have found that the best way for me has been…
I have a mirror in the shower to be able to see your face when shaving. I use Barbasol shaving cream. That’s right, the old foamy stuff. I use the Gillette Fusion Power razor, you do not have to use the power blades for it to work right and they are cheaper. I usually get about ten head and face shaves out of each blade. Shave against the grain, this will get the closest shave. They be sure to wash your head after you shave. This will help to close the pores on your head to help prevent those annoying bumps. When you are all done follow up with a sensitive skin gel after shave. This has always given me the best results.
Thanks so much. I will try that.
I’m a middle-aged white guy, I started to shave my head when I got deployed to Kuwait and then Iraq. I have had the infamous male-pattern baldness most of my life and have always kept what was left shadowy-short. It was so dam hot in Kuwait that I started to shave my head to try and keep just a little cooler. I’ve been shaving from the neck up ever since. And I’ve tried everything that is available out there – it all comes down to what works for you – period. I use the Fusion 5-blade with the fusion gel; again, works for me. I must say that the HeadBlade is a superior design, but it uses the old Trac-II blade, which gets dull and clogged very fast. My 2 cents…
Best razor…many tried…Gillette Sensor (plain Sensor, not Sensor Excel)…plain Sensor cartridges will work fine in Sensor Excel handle, which is all that is currently available.
Best shave gel: Edge ultra sensitive fragrance-free
I use a straight razor to shave my head. Only been doing that for the last year – before that, M3 for the last 14 years. The wet shaving experience (first Double Edge and then straights) made shaving a much more enjoyable task so shaving my head was a natural step. I assist a well-known supplier by honing straight razors and found that shaving my head with the straight gave me much more territory to test razors. ;-}
Straights eliminate bumps and ingrown hairs. I use a good after-shave balm or, if none around, then Lubriderm or similar.
Best lather (several): Cade, Poroso, Art of Shaving soaps, Taylor of Old Bond (Sandalwood), etc. I don’t like the standard gels since they do not provide the best shaving surface (tend to rest on top instead of lubricate). The more expensive soaps seem to let the razor glide.
Best after shave: Cheapest and fairly good: Nivea – I like the standard – not the one for sensitive skin, Baux (L’Occitane), Art of Shaving Sandalwood
ive always used the mach3 for years. Ive tried the headblade and hated it. Although I dont shave my head that often, i come to find that after the 1st shave in a long time, subsequent shaves dont take AS long…
Hi, I’ve been shaving my head every morning for the past 7 years.
I’ve tried Mach 3 and it works great. But I started using Schick Xtreme3 for the following reasons. First it’s disposable, so it’s a lot cheaper, and second what I love about this razor the most is that it bends to the couture of your head where the Mach 3 does not.
Every once in a while I’ll go out and buy a Mach 3, and while it does give a great shave and the blades last a little longer, I just get a much quicker shave with the Xtreme3 and it’s just as good as the Mach 3.
Almost forgot.
I see that you mentioned Hair Away on your site and I did a little bit of research and came across these sites.
“Scam Watch: Ultra Hair Away”
“Hair Away Warning”
I use a xtreme 3 blade disposable and love it. I bought the headblade and its terrible on my head. The headblade head slick shaving cream is awesome though.
I agree…Ive been using xtreme 3 for 8 years or so and after trying a number of other razors none compare to way the xtreme flexes over the uneven parts of my head.it is also alot easier to clean during shaving,a few taps on the backside after a stroke or two and its good to go.I shave my head every day so one razor does me good for at least 3 days thats including my neck and face. schick xtreme 3 highly recommended. 5 stars*****
Good posts.
I shave every other day.
I use a shampoo from a beauty supply store called Sally’s called “Procaim – Olive Glossing Shampoo”. It works great w/Gilette Fusion.
1st – I use an electric razor, then in the shower I use the above shampoo and shave. VERY close shave and the blades last a long time – 3+ weeks!
I also use, on occasion, a homemade shaving oil.
One other thing I’d like to mention is that if any of you have never tried the “King of Shaves” shaving gel, you should give it a try.
It’s just that a gel, not a cream. It does not foam up and it’s absolutely without a doubt the best that I have tried.
Also if you have a shower mirror, as we all now, they fog up right away. Just wipe some King of Saves on it and rise it off and it’ll stay fog free for a couple of weeks, just like Rain X, lol.
This link shows you where you can buy it. It’s a little more expensive than regular shaving cream, but it’s well worth it. http://www.shave.com/kos/usa
When shaving your head every day, how many times can a blade be used before throwing it away?
re: how many shaves from a razor
1. Straight razor (as many as you have pints of blood in your body ;-}). Seriously, the straight has to be stropped after every shave so you could say it is 1 or a lifetime.
2. DE razor – I get 2 to 3 shaves from a DE blade
3. Mach 3 – I get three or four at least…
I usually change the blades out early because I like a nice sharp shave.
I use the Fusion on my head…It covers the best surface area and I actually shave my head almost every day with it. I can actually go a whole month on one fusion razor.. Now you may want to change out sooner but I will say shaving my head every day the fusion will last at least 20-25 days easy.
I use the Head Blade sport. Just be careful because it will cut you if you apply pressure to the front of it. But I shave everyday and I change the blade out weekly. Oh, it’s not mandatory, but I highly recommend you get the Head Blade brand shave cream and moisturizer.
Ever since the first time I saw Kojack I wanted to be bald . At the age of 22 I decided not to wait on mother nature so I pulled out the razor and got busy.I have shaved my head for the last 23 years I have shaved my head every day ,and I love it . Any one thinking about it ,go for it you will not regret it .I use a Mach 3 now it works perfect for me. For the shine I use baby oil.
i just started shaving my head and a friend of mine told me to use the xtreme3 because its flexible and he gets very few nicks if any. i just want an opinion on blades.
I’m 23, and have been shaving my head on and off for the past few years. Anyway, I’ve been using a simple Bic disposable razor ($2 for a 12 pack) and Barbasol shaving cream ($1.50 for a 12oz can). Sunflower oil for the shine, plus it smells great throughout the day!
Hi all,
I started shaving my head 8 years ago. Prior to that I would spend way to much time styling and purchasing hair products. Plus shampooing and conditioning was just extra work in the morning to rush to work. Now I just soap up and I’m done. It was only recently that I’ve gone from the zero setting on a wahl clipper, to using disposable blades and finally to a gilette fusion pro glide. The fusion flexes nicely and does a close shave. I do this everyday, but will have to change blades soon as it takes a few passes to do a clean job.
Anyways, bald is the way to go, I choose to shave because it gives me the freedom to wear whatever on my head, and hell, shaved is always in style!
The Venus 5 razors for women’s legs work frickin amazing. I just shaved my head with one and there was far less grabbing than I get with a Mach 3. Your wife will not appreciate this.
I used to be a Mach 3 user myself…but I found the Hydro 5 gives a far superior head shave…super close and no nicks and burn.
Why go to all the mess with shaveing cream and razors – I got a nice norleco eletric shaver that works just super. slap on a little afta pre-shave and have at it. takes about 3 minutes in the morning and stays good all day. have done this for years without nicks or cuts. also a small dab of unsented hand lotion keeps your scalp soft and looking good.
I’ve been shaving my head daily for about a year now and have always had trouble with razor burn. I’ve gone through multiple different razors and per the suggestions here I used the xtreme3 for the first time today. This razor feels and shaves 10x better than any razor I’ve tried, with no razor burn and at about half the price of the non-disposable razors. Would highly recommend the xtreme3. Thanks guys.
Joe what is the name of your electric razor? And does it give a really close shave??
Please help me guys i luv bald head but whateva razor i use i get raizer burns.i’m confused.my head is itchy nd hard cover skin.anyone with better solution for my sensitive skin,please help
To shave sensitive skin, use a mild shaver like an M3 or a DE Gillette Tech. Don’t go for close shaves. Depending on the sensitivity of your skin, try:
1. Witch Hazel as an after shave. You can get scented versions at GNC for about $10 that will last a long time. Witch Hazel is a natural astringent and cools razor burn.
2. Didn’t work? Use a styptic pencil, put a small amount of water in the palm of your hand, rub the pencil in the water until it is milky. Wipe you head with that. Wait about five minutes, Wipe it off with a damp towel. Finish with Witch Hazel.
3. Didn’t work? Do number 2 (above, not in the toilet!) and then put a nubbin of Neosporin on your palm and rub it into your scalp. Use the version with the Petroleum Jelly base.
4. Didn’t work? Use an electric razor and then start over with #1 above.
I’ve been shaving my head every day for the past 10 years.
I’ve tried all the razors out there from the cheapest ones, to the most expensive four and five blade razors, and have always gone back to Schick Xtreme 3 Triple Blade Disposable Razors.
The reason why I always go back is that the Schick Xtreme has a blade that bends to the contour of your head.
Using that together with Remington King of Shaves, shaving gel I have always received a close shave without hardly ever receiving any nicks or cuts.
I honestly cannot say enough about both of these products. The King of Shaves gel is the best shaving gel there is period. I’ve tried all sorts of other gels and creams and you just can’t beat it.
CVS used to carry it, but I think they may have stopped. Target however does carry it.
You can also by from Remington’s site for a substantial discount.
And as far as the Schick Xtreme, again, for shaving your head you just can’t beat the fact that this thing bends to the curvature of you head. If you combine these two I promise, you will not be disappointed.
I’ve been shaving my head with a straight razor
the past 4 years from the time I started
Shaving my head in July of 2002 until I started
Using the straight razor in May of 2008 I used the
Mach 3 Turbo
I use the Mach 5… I like the straight blade on the backside for getting the little spots where my ears join my scalp.
Those of you that use the Gillette Fusion 5 blades, do you use it turned on and vibrating? I’ve decided to shave my head to see how it looks. I don’t want to invest in a head blade for a look l may not decide to keep, but I do use a Gillette Fusion Proglide Power for my face. Would this be suitable for my head?
I want to use an electric razor, which one is the best? I have been clean shaven(bald) since 2004 and I love the Yul/Telly look!
I use Gillette mach 3 razors and my wife’s conditioner! Been shaving for10 years. Do it in the shower on a daily basis. So fresh and so clean! Bald is beautiful!
Been shaving my face, head and other parts for several years now. I’m over 50 and pretty much tried everything. Settled on the Mach 3 a few years back as it seems to be consistently close, relatively nick-free, and totally adaptable to all areas. Disposables are garbage. Tried the Head Blade, but Mach 3 worked much better no matter where I used it. I’ve also tried 4 and 5-blade models, but the shaving heads get too big and won’t fit into tight spaces well like between your upper lip and nose; plus the shave isn’t any better than a 3-blade in other areas. Doesn’t matter if you use Mach 3 or Mach 3 Turbo – so use just Mach 3 where you can as they are typically a couple bucks cheaper per pack. I can usually get about 2-3 head/face shavings per cartridge, but I only shave about 2-3 times a week and I suppose my stubble is rough on the blades. I just use regular old Irish Spring bar soap as shaving cream in the hot shower. Adds about 5-10 minutes to shower time, but when you step out, youre done & done. Very rare that I get any nicks, rashes, or in-grown hairs. Shaving your head over a sink is a royal pain. And if you’re shaving face and head, you don’t need a mirror as your sense of touch will be much more accurate. If everything feels smooth, you’re good!
Love being bald!
I used majic shaving powder to shave my head
I love being bald feels good to.
I love being bald & shaving my head, but am getting a bit tired of the daily shave routine and am looking for a more permanent solution to staying bald by choice.
Does anyone have any experience of going down the permanent bald head route?
Hey all,
I read an above post that mentioned the sheer greatness of the Venus 5 blade razor for women’s legs. It sound hilarious but the closeness of the shave is remarkable! And yes your wife will low key hate you. : /
I’ve had a cranial reconstruction and have hills and valleys to contend with. Which razor is best for me?